CATÁLOGO of suppliers of Nautical Charts CORRECTIONS & UPDATES services providers & manufacturers
Nautical chart corrections updates


Corrections to Charts and Nautical Publications - why its important?

Why do marine charts need to be updated? Nautical Charts are ‘living’ documents. Information affecting the safety of navigation for mariners is constantly being received. Sometimes it is in the form of an individual report of a newly discovered danger, or a buoy or beacon has been moved or removed, while other times the change can be as large as an entire new survey. In all cases, the various national Hydrographic Offices have an obligation to publish details of new and altered information affecting the potential safety of mariners. Equally, many mariners have a legal obligation to apply these updates to their nautical charts having your maritime navigation charts up-to-date is much more than a good idea actually for all vessels, ranging from large cargo ships to racing yachts.

Nautical charts are issued by power of the national hydrographic offices in many countries. These charts are considered “official” in contrast to those made by commercial publishers. Many hydrographic offices provide regular, sometimes weekly, manual updates of their charts through their sales agents

Correcting and upgrading a navigation chart is a constant process. Once a chart is published, constantly changing navigational features and aids or other relevant information have to be promulgated in order to update the ships navigating in those areas.

Updated nautical charts are obviously important to provide navigation safety to all end users

cartas marítimas - imagem de fundo

Lista de fontes de Nautical Charts CORRECTIONS & UPDATES fornecedores e fabricantes

seleção de soluções de correções e atualizações de cartas náuticas de fornecedores premium em todo o mundo. Um serviço crítico para o planejamento de passagens seguras em qualquer lugar do mundo marítimo

Catalogue: suppliers of Nautical Charts CORRECTIONS & UPDATES

Cartas Riviera, Estacionário Náutico e Bandeiras

Riviera Charts Corrections & Updates

Paper Publication Corrections - Paper Chart Corrections. Riviera Charts provides a comprehensive correction service for your paper publications. The correction service is available in the form of a comprehensive cumulative corrections supplement. Riviera Charts ensures your yacht’s nautical publications are brought up to date swiftly and accurately
HNHS - Serviço Hidrográfico da Marinha Helênica

HELLENIC NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE Charts corrections and Publications

HELLENIC NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE Chart corrections and Publications, Notices to Marines (NMs),  that give important information on a permanent basis, concerning the Hellenic sea area and the most important shipping lines of the Mediterranean
Escritório Hidrográfico Australiano

Escritório Hidrográfico Australiano 

Australian Hydrographic Office chart corrections & updates. Australian Notices to Mariners are the authority for correcting paper navigational charts and paper nautical publications published by the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO)
Publicações Eletrônicas do Almirantado (AENP)

Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NMs)

Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NMs) - Charts & Publications correctiosn and updates. Maritime Safety Information. View the latest safety-critical navigational information
NOAA Office of Coast SurveyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Chart Corrections & Publications

NOAA Office of Coast Survey
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Paper and Digital Chart Corrections & Publications
SperryMarine ecdis-e

VoyagerWW charts and publications updates

Voyager Worldwide enables seamless distribution, updating and management of digital and paper charts and publications. Our world leading navigation services have been refined over many years and are used by more than 11000 vessels
Escritório Hidrográfico Dinamarquês - Agência Dinamarquesa de Geodados-500x259

Danish Chart Corrections & Publications

Danish Chart Corrections "Søkortrettelser" is published online every Wednesday. Up-to-date nautical charts and nautical publications are vital to ensure a safe maritime passage
Japan Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department

Japanese Chart Corrections & Publications

Chart Correction (Notices to Mariners) by the Japanese Hydrographic Office. Conditions of fairways, coastal waters and harbors are constantly changing. For the safety of navigation, it is indispensable to correct nautical charts in possession to make them up-to-date.
Publicações náuticas canadenses

Canadian Chart Corrections & Publications

Chart corrections for paper and digital charts and publications are issued through Notices to Mariners by the Canadian Coast Guard. These notices also contain updates to CHS and Canadian Coast Guard publications, and more
Netherlands Ministry of Defence NtM

Netherlands Chart Corrections & Publications

Netherlands Chart Corrections & Publications - Dutch Ministry of Difence Notice to Mariners. As a mariner, you need reliable data for safe navigation. The Hydrographic Service publishes nautical charts & nautical publications, as situation at sea changes continuously, you are required to keep these products up to date
USCG - United States Coast Guard - Local Notice to Mariners

USCG - United States Coast Guard - Chart Corrections & Publications

USCG Chart Correction (Local Notice to Mariners) - United States Coast Guard U.S. Department of Homeland Security: weekly messages informing subscribers when the Coast Guard District Local Notices to Mariners (LNM) is available for downloading from the Navigation Center website
BSH Bundesamt Seeschifffahrt Hydrographie - Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany

German Chart Corrections & Publications

Notices to Mariners - Correction of charts and publication of the BSH. Mariners are requested to use the current editions of the nautical charts & publications, correct them continuously, keep up to date. All changes that have occurred after the publication of a nautical chart or publication can be found in the Notices to Mariners (NtM / NfS)
Finnish Chart Corrections & Publications TRAFICOM Notice to Mariners

Finnish Chart Corrections & Publications

Finnish Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners. In the service you can search for chart corrections and other informative notifications published as Notices to Mariners
Cartas náuticas da Nova Zelândia

New Zealand Chart Corrections & Publications

Notices to Mariners - Toitū Te Whenua publishes annual and fortnightly Notices to Mariners (NTMs) to advise mariners of matters affecting navigational safety. Notices to Mariners are now available on
Departamento Hidrográfico Naval Indiano

Indian Chart Corrections & Publications

Indian Charts Corrections & Publications (Notices to Mariners)
Philippine Coast Guard - Notice to Mariners NtM

Korean Chart Corrections & Publications - Notice to Marines

Philippines Hydrographic & Oceanographic agency: Notices to Mariners - Correction of charts and publication of Philippines. Notices to Mariners (NtM) which apply to the Philippines internal, territorial and contiguous waters and to the Philippines EEZ, pomulgated in NtM Bulletins, are available on the website
Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency - Notice to Mariners NtM

Korean Hydrographic & Oceanographic agency - Chart Corrections & Publications

Korean Hydrographic & Oceanographic agency: Notices to Mariners - Correction of charts and publication of Korea. Notices to Mariners (NtM) which apply to the Korean internal, territorial and contiguous waters and to the Korean EEZ, pomulgated in NtM Bulletins, are available on the website
BSH Bundesamt Seeschifffahrt Hydrographie - Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany

Polish Chart Corrections & Publications

Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy: Notices to Mariners - Correction of charts and publication of Poland. Notices to Mariners (NtM) which apply to the Polish internal, territorial and contiguous waters and to the Polish EEZ, pomulgated in NtM Bulletins, are available on the website
Kartverket Noruega - Cartas náuticas norueguesas

Norway Chart Corrections & Publications - Notice to Marines

Etterretninger for sjøfarende (Efs) is published twice a month, and provides information on changes or defects in aids to navigation, discovery of new dangers and on shortcomings in Norwegian nautical charts or publications, navigational warnings, gunnery exercises or other information of interest to mariners. In addition to temporary (T) and preliminary (P) notices in Norwegian waters
Escritório Hidrográfico de Cingapura (Autoridade Marítima e Portuária de Cingapura)

Singapore - Chart Corrections & Publications

Singapore Notice to Mariners (Ntm) - The monthly Notices to Mariners contain information required to keep charts and publications published by the Hydrographic Division, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore up-to-date
Brazilian Hydrographic Office - Hidrografia e Navegação Marinha do Brasil

Hidrografia da Marinha - Marinha do Brasil

Hydrographic Office of Brazil: Notices to Mariners - Correction of charts and publication of Brazil. Notices to Mariners (NtM) which apply to the Brazilian internal, territorial and contiguous waters and to the Brazil EEZ, pomulgated in NtM Bulletins, are available on the website
Nigerian Ports Authority Notice to Mariners (NtM)

Nigerian Chart Corrections & Publications - Notice to Marines

Nigerian Hydrographic & Oceanographic agency: Notices to Mariners - Correction of charts and publication of Nigeria. Nigerian Port Authority’s Harbour Master is responsible for issuing Marine Notices to relevant parties, for all ports under the jurisdiction of NPA
Japan Hydrographic Charts & Publications

Japan Hydrographic Office - Chart Corrections & Publications

JP Hydrographic Office: Notices to Mariners - Correction of charts and publication of Japan. NtM provide essential information for safe navigation. In Japan, notices are issued once a week by the Japan Coast Guard (internet and printed versions). For details:
HKHO Hong Kong Hydrographic Office

Hong Kong Chart Corrections & Publications

Hydrographic Office of Hong Kong: Notices to Mariners (NtM) - The bi-weekly issue of NOTICES TO MARINERS (NtMs) promulgated by the Hong Kong Hydrographic Office enables mariners to update their HK marine navigational charts and nautical publications
TAIWAN Maritime and Port Bureau

Chart Corrections & Publications - Notice to Marines

Taiwan - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)
Estonia - Notice ot Mariners NtM Chart Corrections

Estonia - Chart Corrections & Publications

Notices to Mariners is issued by the Estonian Transport Administration. Correction of charts and publication of Estonia. NtM provide essential information for safe navigation
Virgin Islands - Notice to Mariners (NtM)

Virgin Islands Chart Corrections & Publications

Virgin Islands Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)
Abu Dhabi Ports - Chart Corrections NtM

Abu Dhabi Chart Corrections & Publications - Notice to Marines

ABU DHABI Ports - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)
Israeli authority of shipping and ports

Israel - Chart Corrections & Publications

Ministry of Transport and Road Safety
Administration of Shipping and Ports of Israel: Notices to Mariners is issued by the Estonian Transport Administration. Correction of charts and publication of Estonia. NtM provide essential information for safe navigation
Sweden Sjofartsverket Notice to Mariners NtM

Sweden (Sjofartsverket) - Chart Corrections & Publications

Sweden Sjofartsverket - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)

Informações de Segurança Marítima - Agência Nacional de Inteligência Geoespacial (NGA) EUA

Provides global maritime geospatial intelligence in support of national security objectives, including safety of navigation, international obligations: Notice to Mariners, Publications, Navigational Warnings, Piracy, Maritime Products Catalogs, Nautical Calculators...

South Africa - Chart Corrections & Publications (NtM)

South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)
Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Coast Guard

Canada - Chart Corrections & Publications (NtM)

CANADA - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)
OpenC247 Cartas Náuticas Gratuitas online

OpenC247 - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notice to Mariners (NtM)

OpenC247 - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM). Nautical Charts (Digital & Paper), Chart Corrections and Marine Publications. 

Free to use. No Subscription. No Commitment. Complete Flexibility 24/7
Digitrace - digital Notice to Mariners NtM

DIGITRACE: digital Notice to Mariners (NtM)- Chart Corrections & Publications

DigiTrace - digital Notice to Mariners (NtM)- Chart Corrections & Publications - is an authorized service of digital and paper tracing of chart corrections as published in weekly Notices to Mariners (NTM). The tracings allow the mariner to quickly and efficiently update the chart folio onboard ship
ChartCo OneOcean - digital Notice to Mariners NtM

ChartCo (now OneOcean) - Chart Corrections & Publications (NtM)

ChartCo (now OneOcean) - Chart Corrections & Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM): PassageManager makes it easier and quicker for crew to collate all required elements for effective voyage planning. Users aboard can access the latest data, including Notices to Mariners, current warnings and alerts, along and around a route to inform the voyage
Nautical Chart Corrections and Publications updates for commercial ships, leisure yachts

Applying corrections to Charts and Nautical Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)

Features shown on charts change, either because they are man made, or due to natural changes. Therefore, it is essential that our charts are corrected, or updated regularly.

The situation at sea changes continuously. The Hydrographic Service monitors changes and publishes the necessary corrections to its publications in order to give mariners information about the current situation. It does so by issuing Avisos aos navegantes.

Applying corrections to Charts and Nautical Publications - Avisos aos Navegantes (NtM): you can keep your charts and nautical publications up to date using the frequent releases of Notices to Mariners produced by the various national Hydrographic Offices or commercial publishers.

Avisos aos Navegantes (NtM) are corrections to nautical charts and publications. NtM only contain information which is vitally important to safety at sea. Mariners are obliged to keep their products up-to-date with NtM until a new edition is issued. A notice to mariners (NTM ou NOTMAR) advises mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety, including new hydrographic information, changes in channels and aids to navigation, and other important data. Over 60 countries which produce nautical charts also produce a notice to mariners. About one third of these are weekly, another third are bi-monthly or monthly, and the rest irregularly issued according to need.

Various ways to update and keep corrected the marine Charts and Nautical Books/Publications onboard your ship vessel:

Weekly Notices to Mariners

Cumulative List of Notices to mariners

Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners

Chart Corrections software and computer

There is an offline database and software in use onboard ships where corrections are supplied in the form of weekly mail attachments. These are used to keep the chart correction database up to date exactly like the paper copy of Weekly Notices to Mariners

Avisos de Navarea

Avisos Navtex

Resumo das correções

A close companion to the Notice to Mariners is the Resumo das correções. The Summary is published in five volumes. Each volume covers a major portion of the earth including several chart regions and many subregions. Volume 5 also includes special charts and publications corrected by the Notice to Mariners. Since the Summaries contain cumulative corrections, any chart, regardless of its print date, can be corrected with the proper volume of the Summary and all subsequent Notice to Mariners.

See details at:

Viewing Notices to Mariners NtM chart corrections and publications

Produto em destaque de navegação marítima e panorâmica de passagem 

Cartas náuticas da Ponte Novaco

Ponte Novaco

Ponte Novaco é uma solução abrangente de gerenciamento de salas de cartas que ajuda os oficiais a: acessar todos os produtos digitais e de papel do ADMIRALTY,
acessar publicações não pertencentes ao ADMIRALTY - digital e papel, visualizar e gerenciar correções temporárias e preliminares, acesso avisos de navegaçãoplanejamento de passagem e automação de rotasembarcação viva, frota e rastreamento situacional. NovacoBridge suporta ambos entrega de gráficos e publicações em uma plataforma simples de usar, digital ou papel.

Isso torna a seleção de gráficos simples e acessível. Os oficiais podem manter a conformidade da embarcação e gerenciar quaisquer cartas ou publicações de emergência do tipo “leve-me para casa” ao mesmo tempo. É simples, completo, robusto e tem um preço competitivo – disponível como solução completa ou modular.

Visualizador de gráfico NovacoBridge - Funcionalidade ECDIS em um computador: o ChartViewer emula a funcionalidade completa do ECDIS em um PC, laptop ou tablet compatível. Os oficiais dos navios podem visualizar suas cartas eletrônicas licenciadas no dispositivo, independentemente do ECDIS. Dispositivos alimentados por bateria, como laptops e tablets, podem se tornar um ECDIS de emergência se a energia da ponte falhar.
Gráficos de Novaco oferece cartas náuticas digitais atualizadas. Acesse todos os catálogos de cartas e publicações marítimas publicados pelo Almirantado, outros escritórios hidrográficos e organizações públicas ou privadas. Os catálogos são atualizados semanalmente e ajudam a identificar novas edições à medida que surgem.

NovacoBridge é uma solução completa e integrada de gerenciamento de navegação. Disponível como um abrangente suíte tudo-em-um de ferramentas para embarcações e em terra, ou como módulos individuais
Cartas marítimas eletrônicas por openc247

OpenC247 - cartas náuticas digitais

Cartas Náuticas (Digital e Papel), Correções de Cartas e Publicações Marinhas. Sem assinatura. Sem compromisso. Flexibilidade Total - 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana
Digital Maritime Navigation Systems

Applying corrections to Charts and Nautical Publications - Notices to Mariners (NtM)

Nautical charts corrections 

A naval ship's navigator is responsible for buying and maintaining its cartas náuticas. A nautical chart, or simply "chart", is a graphic representation of a maritime or flight region and adjacent coastal regions. Depending on the scale of the chart, it may show depths of water and heights of land, natural features of the seabed, details of the coastline, navigational hazards, locations of natural and man-made aids to navigation, information on tides and currents, local details of the Earth's magnetic field, restricted flying areas, and man-made structures such as harbors, buildings and bridges. Nautical charts are essential tools for marine navigation; many countries require vessels, especially commercial ships, to carry them. Nautical charting may take the form of charts printed on paper or computerised cartas de navegação eletrônicas.
The nature of a waterway depicted by a chart changes regularly and a mariner navigating on an old or uncorrected chart is courting disaster. Every producer of navigational charts also provides a system to inform mariners and aviators of changes that affect the chart. In the United States, chart corrections and notifications of new editions are provided by various governmental agencies by way of Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs), Aviso aos navegantes, Aviso local aos navegantes, Resumo das correções, e Aviso de transmissão aos navegantes. Radio broadcasts give advance notice of urgent corrections. A convenient way to keep track of corrections is with a "chart and publication correction record card" system. Using this system, the navigator officer does not immediately update every chart in the portfolio when a new Notice to Mariners arrives, instead creating a card for every chart and noting the correction on this card. When the time comes to use the chart, the navigator pulls the chart and chart's card, and makes the indicated corrections on the chart. This system ensures that every chart is properly corrected prior to use. British merchant vessels receive weekly Notices to Mariners issued by the Almirantado. When corrections are received all charts are corrected in the ship's folio and recorded in NP133A (Admiralty Chart Correction Log and Folio Index). This system ensures that all charts are corrected and up to date. In a deep-sea vessel with a folio of over three thousand charts this can be a laborious and time-consuming task for the navigator. Various and diverse methods exist for the correction of cartas de navegação eletrônicas.

Why are Nautical Chart Corrections & Updates very important for safe marine navigation?

Nautical publications updates

The term publicações náuticas is used in maritime circles to describe a set of publications, generally published by national governments, for use in safe navigation of ships, boats, and similar vessels. The nature of waterways described by any given nautical publication changes regularly, and a mariner navigating by use of an old or uncorrected publication is courting disaster. Every producer of nautical publications also provides a system to inform mariners of changes that affect the chart. In the United States, corrections and notifications of new editions are provided by various governmental agencies by way of Notice to Mariners, Local Notice to Mariners, Summary of Corrections, and Broadcast Notice to Mariners. Radio broadcasts give advance notice of urgent corrections. For ensuring that all publications are fully up-to-date, similar methods are employed as for nautical charts. Various and diverse methods exist for the correction of electronic nautical publications. (source: wikipedia - Navigator)

Fornecedor de cartas náuticas digitais em destaque - OPENC247

compre cartas náuticas online - Sem assinatura / sem taxas recorrentes - pague online apenas pelas cartas náuticas que você usa

OpenC247 Cartas Náuticas Gratuitas online
Cartas Náuticas Eletrônicas da OpenC247 - Experimente Gratuitamente

OPENC247 – a maneira mais inteligente de navegar!

Cartas Náuticas, Correções de Cartas e Publicações Marinhas

Sem assinatura. Sem compromisso. Flexibilidade Total - 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana


DISPONÍVEL ON-LINE 365/24/7 em QUALQUER DISPOSITIVO (mob, guia, área de trabalho)

Cartas náuticas baratas por OpenC247 - teste gratuito

Um novo conceito no acesso a Gráficos digitais e gráficos e publicações em papel para sua ponte.

Perfeito para todos os capitães de navios de lazer ou comerciais, de qualquer embarcação – desde um super iate até um super petroleiro

Você pode obter acesso imediato ao que precisa, sem assinatura ou complicações. Permaneça em conformidade, economize tempo e dinheiro.

Basta registrar-se (a inscrição é GRATUITA - Sem assinatura/sem taxas recorrentes), experimente o serviço GRATUITO, veja preços transparentes e pague on-line apenas pelas cartas náuticas que você usa. Além disso, as correções e atualizações dos gráficos compilados são totalmente gratuitas.

Tente agora! TESTE GRATUITO (sem taxas de assinatura, sem necessidade de cartão de crédito, sem compromissos)
Tudo o que você precisa para o planejamento de viagens marítimas na parte de trás da ponte, navegação náutica e setor marítimo em geral


Cartas Náuticas DIGITAIS

lista das melhores soluções de cartas eletrônicas marítimas, cartas digitais de navegação marítima vetorial e raster para seu planejamento de passagem, de navios comerciais a embarcações de lazer

Cartas Náuticas PAPER

lista dos melhores fornecedores de cartas marítimas impressas e agentes de vendas de cartas náuticas em papel em todo o mundo para todas as necessidades: planejamento de viagens para frotas comerciais, navios de lazer, iates, super iates

CORREÇÕES nas Cartas Náuticas

seleção de soluções de correções e atualizações de cartas náuticas de fornecedores premium em todo o mundo. Um serviço crítico para o planejamento de passagens seguras em qualquer lugar do mundo marítimo


lista de diretórios de publicações náuticas premium selecionadas, publicações marítimas digitais e em papel dos melhores fornecedores do mundo para ajudar os marinheiros no plano de passagem do dia a dia

Encontre todos os principais fornecedores de produtos e serviços de navegação marítima para planejamento seguro de viagens marítimas

apartamentolápisengrenagemfilmelivromapatábuatelefone portátilterra