到 2022 年,谷歌加強了在希臘加速可持續和包容性發展和數字化轉型的承諾,進一步加大了對該國的實質性支持。憑藉戰略舉措並以人為本,這家技術公司宣布創建第一個 Google Cloud 區域,在希臘開啟了重要的新篇章。一項特別重要的投資,據 AlphaBeta Economics 稱,到 2030 年,該投資將為國家 GDP 貢獻總計 $22 億美元,同時支持創造 19,400 多個就業崗位。同時,他與旅遊部和世界可持續旅遊理事會合作,推動可持續旅遊,希望幫助旅遊企業製定可持續發展戰略並有效傳達其環保行動。它還擴大了與德勤的合作,在塞薩洛尼基和帕特雷創建了卓越中心,致力於可持續發展和人工智能,而 Google.org 為 INCO 和 Impact Hub Athens 提供了總計 100 萬歐元的資金,以支持來自代表性不足的社區的社會企業,專注於可持續的解決方案。
In 2022, Microsoft Hellas completed 30 years of uninterrupted operation in our country by further strengthening its activities, thereby opening up new prospects for digital development. In particular, the framework of its investment initiative "Gr for Growth", succeeded in including its plan for the creation of three data centers, in the status of Strategic Investments. In this phase, the licensing of the Project is progressing, with the 1st Strategic Environmental Impact Study which has been put up for public consultation. Microsoft's new infrastructures will accelerate the transition of the Greek public administration and the country's businesses to the cloud and will create new possibilities for sustainable digital development. At the same time, the company continues to invest in the country's people and talent, constantly empowering them with new digital knowledge. Aiming to offer 100.000 digital trainings and certifications by 2025, this year it made important partnerships with the aim of providing free training in modern digital skills for public administration officials, the unemployed seeking their reintegration into the labor market, professionals and new graduates. Finally, Microsoft continues, as it has pointed out, its effort to make Greek businesses even more competitive. In 2022, it entered into new strategic partnerships that facilitate the transition to the cloud of large enterprises, such as PPC and Piraeus Bank, and made available new customized solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises, which receive a subsidy from the Recovery Fund to acquire digital tools and applications.
The investment announced by Amazon Web Services to create a Local Zone in Athens is also in full swing, with Greece being among the first 26 countries outside the US where Local Zones will be created, creating extremely fast responses (latency) to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. The project in Athens is expected to be completed within 2023. Local Zones are a type of AWS infrastructure that places computing power, data storage, databases, and other services closer to major urban, industrial, and technology centers. They allow AWS customers to develop applications that require very fast responses (latencies), below ten milliseconds, close to the end users. They thus ensure, as announced, a seamless experience for applications such as real-time gaming, multimedia and entertainment content creation, live video streaming, simulations, augmented and virtual reality applications, machine learning, etc. At the same time, since AWS manages and supports Local Zones itself, its customers do not bear the costs of building, operating, and maintaining corresponding infrastructure in different locations to support very fast applications. The new Local Zones will also enable companies in industries such as healthcare and financial services, as well as the wider public sector, to store and process data across borders. They can be used by customers who need to store their data locally and "run" specific applications in data centers on their premises, but at the same time wish to use AWS services and benefit from the very fast response times provided by Local Zones in such hybrid applications.
2022 年,思科宣布與 ONEX Neorion Shipyards 和南愛琴海地區合作,在希臘土地上建立第二個國際中心,這次是在基克拉澤斯群島。這是國際海洋技術與創新中心,佔地 600 平方米。在 Syros 的 Neorio 造船廠內。愛琴海 Neorion 創新中心將為航運公司提供一系列工具技術,以平衡其經濟和環境可持續性,同時在專門設計的培訓區,學生將能夠參加課程,為他們提供最新的技術培訓工具,從而獲得所需的認證將幫助他們應對不斷變化的工作需求。與此同時,自 2005 年至今,思科通過全球數字技能發展計劃、思科網絡學院 NetAcad,這是運行時間最長的計劃,已有超過 300 萬畢業生找到了工作,繼續在希臘開展業務,已經與塞薩利大學、伯羅奔尼撒大學、比雷埃夫斯大學數字系統系和馬其頓大學合作。日前,他還宣佈在希臘境內的多個市鎮提供免費的數字技能培訓課程。在這個方向上,從 2017 年至今,思科已通過人才橋樑幫助全球 33,000 名學生找到工作。 2022 年對思科來說是塞薩洛尼基國際數字化轉型和數字技能中心運營的第一年。該中心是在其在 43 個國家/地區實施的投資計劃國家數字加速 (CDA) 的框架內創建的。它是一個多學科創新中心,迄今已主持超過 15 個項目,200 多人在其中工作,創造了一個在城市中不斷發展的人員和企業生態系統。這個生態系統已經記錄了超過 1,200 小時的培訓,舉辦了超過 150 場活動,並接待了超過 5,000 名訪客。此外,與一系列機構簽署17份合作協議,也體現了對機構生態的滲透。
Digital Realty Company, one of the leading cloud and carrier-neutral data center, colocation and interconnection providers, announced last week that it is expanding its presence in Athens, through the Lamda Hellix it has acquired, with the development of two new data centers . The first facility, ATH3, is currently under construction and is scheduled to be operational by March 2023. Upon completion, it is expected to be the largest data center in the country, capable of supporting up to 6.8 MW of capacity within of the 8.600 sq m facilities. The second facility, ATH-4, is expected to add an additional 6.8 MW of power when operational, which is expected in 2024. As both ATH-3 and ATH have been announced -4 are to be connected to Lamda Hellix's existing ATH-1 and ATH-2 facilities, offering customers access to dense and rapidly growing connected data communities established at these sites. Through PlatformDIGITAL®, Digital Realty's global data center platform, clients will be able to connect with the businesses that matter most across Digital Realty's global footprint of more than 300 data centers in 50 metros, across 27 countries in six continents. Combined with Digital Realty's expanded presence in Crete, where a new data center is being developed in Heraklion, ATH-3 and ATH-4 are set to form part of Digital Realty's broader vision to strengthen its presence in the Mediterranean region, as and Greece's position as a key strategic gateway to Eastern Europe and North Africa.
(資源: https://www.sofokleousin.gr/ )