自從人們開始建造複雜的東西,他們就意識到需要一個 測量 系統 .最初的基礎是人體。
這 埃及人 用過的肘尺大約是 52.4 厘米 ,但由於並非所有的肘都相同,因此出現了量尺。
這 羅馬帝國 使用測量 pes ( foot - it's what you mean, regardless of whether all feet were the same), which was divided into 12 unciae ( 英寸 - the width of an adult's thumb). The 磅 是繼羅馬時代之後對歐洲重量和貨幣產生廣泛影響的另一個衡量標準。
在 中世紀的歐洲 each region had its own laws of weights and measures - set by the trade guilds. Research revealed that during the same period, in one country, the measurement of the 'foot' had 37 variations.
There were 83 different ways of measuring wheat, 68 for wine, and 70 for liquids. Something similar was happening all over the world. And it was a problem, as the need for an international system - for the sake of trade - was becoming enormous.
革命的法國將生產出最終的東西 國際單位制.
第一個實現的是 公制 - which is the dominant one today, but not fully followed by all countries and sectors. The idea was proposed by the French vicar 加布里埃爾木桐 誰在 1670 年創建了它,以統一計算數字的方式。
他專注於鍾擺的擺動長度。定義了 10 的冪的度量(見十進制數)。也就是說,10 厘米是 1 分米,10 分米是 1 米,依此類推。這使得系統比當時簡單得多。
In 1790, the French Academy of Sciences formed a committee to fully devise a rational system of measurements. "Measure" was defined as 1/1000th of a minute of arc of latitude (see Earth's circumference between the North Pole and the Equator - passing through Paris). That is, about 1852 meters.
The meter became the unit of length, the kilogram the unit of mass, and the second the unit of time. According to Mouton's proposal, instead of having different names for each unit of length, they would have prefixes.
今天,這個系統也被稱為 國際系統 (國際單位制).
她有其他計劃。準確地說, 帝國的 (或盎格魯撒克遜語) 系統.
帝國製度被定義為“英國和其他英聯邦國家使用的測量系統,由英寸、英里和磅等單位組成 ”。
它被英國從 1824 到 1965 在大英帝國統治世界各地的時期(從 16 世紀到 19 世紀),避免與許多地方測量系統混淆。
其中包括美國。它是簽署該協定的國家之一 1875 年米製條約,此後每年 5 月 20 日被慶祝為 世界計量日.
After their independence, the government decided to keep the type of measurement (which was more or less common to all regions - so there was no confusion), even though the trend of the time was the metric system. It was renamed the United States Customary System (美國船級社) 並且目前由 美國、利比里亞和緬甸 (後兩者從2013年開始部分採用公制)。
這 公制換算法 was signed into law on 12/23/1975 by President Gerald Ford. He affirmed differentiation, with the consequence that it was judged as more important - than integration -, given that Americans (who are also somewhat nationalist - and therefore love what is theirs that is not similar to what everyone else has) they did not seem particularly willing to spend time adapting to the new data.
筆記 : without saying it, the USA uses the metric system - for example in the researches that scientists do, because the native system does not help them in their work, due to the lack of precision. By law (1992), companies that deal with consumer goods also follow the metric system (hence the can of Coca Cola has ounces and milliliters).
雖然公制系統和英制系統之間的主要區別在於使用的單位類型,但還有一些其他關鍵區別。如;公制單位很容易通過乘以或除以 10 的冪來轉換,而沒有直接轉換英制單位的方法。
除了距離、質量和重量外,在公制系統中還有以度為單位的溫標測量 攝氏度.美國人有 華氏溫度.自 20 世紀中葉以來,世界各地都在使用攝氏溫標,但美國除外。正如他們所說,華氏氣候測量的是空氣溫度而不是水溫,而這正是攝氏溫標所做的。
英國在 1965 年承諾採用公制,但在許多地方仍然使用英制單位,尤其是在道路上。愛爾蘭也在做類似的事情。在這兩種情況下,一杯生啤酒過去、現在和將來都是一品脫。
(來源:https://www.新聞247.gr - 國際和英制測量系統)
“使用兩種不同的單位系統是導致 1998 年火星氣候軌道器失事的原因。NASA 在合同中指定了公制單位。 NASA 和其他組織在他們的工作中採用了公制單位,但是一個分包商 Lockheed Martin 向團隊提供了以磅力秒而不是牛頓秒為單位的推進器性能數據。該航天器原本打算在大約 150 公里(93 英里)的高度繞火星運行,但不正確的數據可能導致它下降到大約 57 公里(35 英里)的高度,在火星大氣層中燃燒殆盡。”—— 維基百科
英制和美國慣用測量系統 (維基百科)