DEEPSEA:由人工智能 (AI) 提供支持的下一代航程優化 使用人工智能 (AI) 性能路由可立即加速船隊的脫碳軌跡,並降低燃料成本。性能路由將對您車隊的燃油消耗和 CII 產生重大的、可量化的影響,從第一天起就產生高影響力的結果。 “DeepSea 船舶航程優化人工智能解決方案可減少排放,[...]
World's most famous Luxurious Marinas: Which are the most luxurious and popular marinas worldwide? Portofino, Monaco, St. Tropez, Ibiza, St. Barts. One of the first images that comes to mind when we think of these places are their iconic marinas. Dignitaries, powerful people of wealth, glamorous Hollywood stars and all those who have made yachting […]
Fishing is changing for the good of the Earth - advanced bio-based plastic solutions (By Tassoula Eptakili - www.kathimerini.gr) Almost 12 million tons of plastic waste end up in the world's oceans every year. Sometimes they travel in the water, creating huge underwater garbage dumps, and sometimes they come ashore. The effects of mindless consumption […]
Google - Data Centers Through 2022, Google has strengthened its commitment in Greece to accelerate sustainable and inclusive development and digital transformation, further intensifying its substantial support to the country. With strategic initiatives, and with a focus on people, the technology company opened a new important chapter in Greece with the announcement of the creation […]
Lloyd's List 的一百人,對航運業的影響力和權力進行排名即使船東的權力正在減弱,個人行為在航運業中仍然很重要。然而,今年的決定性時刻來自歐盟,它通過採取切實行動應對氣候變化 IT [...]
UKHO announced intention to end Paper Nautical Chart production (26 July 2022) (source: UK Hydrographic Office) The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has announced on 26 July 2022 its intention to develop options for the withdrawal from global paper nautical chart production by late 2026 to increase focus on its digital navigation products and services. ("UKHO […]
從 2022 年 8 月起,希臘航道的飛翔海豚將載入史冊,這些海豚在過去 5 年裡在 Argosaronicos 海灣運送了數十(如果不是數億)希臘和外國乘客。與大多數人認為夏季嘈雜但快速的車輛有關,而不僅僅是逃逸,主要是在 Argosaronicos,[...]
(Marine Shipping Glossary terms are offered by Hellenic Shipping News) press CTRL + F in your web browser to pop up the Search Bar and type the term you want to find... Maritime Dictionary app in Google Play Maritime Dictionary App Marine (app) in google Play Shipping Dictionary (app) in Google Play Naval Terms Dictionary […]
NOAA's Nautical Paper Charts (Raster Nautical Charts: both paper and digital Raster Charts) will soon not be produced any more (by 2025) On April 13, the US federal government's National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced it will soon stop printing traditional lithographic (paper) nautical charts - while other forms of nautical charts, such as […]
Web 地圖服務(比較) 最受歡迎的 Web 地圖服務 Google Maps Bing Maps MapQuest OpenStreetMap Here WeGo Apple Maps Yandex Maps 比較列表 功能 Google Maps Bing Maps MapQuest OpenStreetMap Here WeGo Apple Maps Yandex Maps License Proprietary Proprietary ODbL Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary Availability 全部額外功能澳大利亞、加拿大、中國、法國、德國、以色列、意大利、[…]
A catalog of free (not necessarily Open Source) Satellite Navigation (or "GPS") software for a wide range of devices. (Navigation software with free maps - often uses maps from OpenStreetMap project) Satellite Navigation Software- Non-free maps Name Company Type of device[5] Operating system 3rd-party GPS-able?[6] Software with maps? Follows streets? Open-source? Remarks Aqua Map[29] GEC […]
海圖(金鐘圖/海圖)中使用的縮寫是什麼底部特徵和縮寫名詞來源圖表名詞縮寫縮寫巨石 Blds Blds Clay Cl Cy Coral Co Co Coralhead Cl Hd Cl Hd Gravel GG Grass Grs Grs Mud MM [...]
Filipinos: major source of Seafarers for the global maritime sector - One third of the world's seafarers are Filipinos. In the 1970s, the number of seafarers in traditional maritime countries dropped, resulting in a transfer of supply to countries such as India, China, and the Philippines. The Philippines has developed to become a significant producer […]
一個複雜的海圖和出版物新門戶已經啟動,沒有訂閱或最低合同期限,並且免費更新和更正。 OpenC247.com 響應了海事領域對數字技術不斷增長的需求。門戶的軟啟動吸引了 150 多名註冊用戶,來自超級 [...]
European Digital Twin of the Ocean (European DTO) This tool will model the ocean and provide knowledge and understanding of the past and present and will create credible predictions of the ocean's future health. The ILIAD consortium will develop virtual representations of the sea that will integrate earth observing, modelling and digital infrastructures to provide […]
What is the Differences between VECTOR and RASTER Graphics? (right below its treated the difference Raster/Vector in regards to graphics - look further below for the difference between Vector Nautical Charts (VNC) and Raster Nautical Charts (RNC)) There is some confusion to many people when it comes to the differences between vector and raster graphics. […]
(* source: www.sailingissues.com - by Diederik Willemsen) Marine Navigation courses (FREE) Find advanced online course on marine navigation for offshore sailing. All though nowadays most sailors rely on maritime navigation and positioning equipment like the use of GPS / Galileo / GLONASS and Radars to navigate, by navigating by yourself is a lot more fun, Learn navigation to sail […]
(* source: NOAA - the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA), the American scientific and regulatory agency - Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Paper and Electronic Nautical Charts ENCs) Paper and Electronic Navigational Charts: Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Marine Navigation Charts see a full list of symbols used on paper nautical charts […]
GLOSSARY of Nautical Charts, terms & abbreviations used in the maritime industry (* source: NOAA - the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA), the American scientific and regulatory agency) An authoritative source for terms used in cartography (mapping), marine charting, and geodesy used in the nautical charting program. Terms and definitions are of specific cartographic […]