KATALOG of Electronic Chart Display & Information Systems (ECDIS) marine navigation systems
Admiralty - ECDIS use of electronic nautical charts ENC in ECDIS

Elektronisk kartvisning og informasjonssystemer (ECDIS)

what is ECDIS?

The Electronic Chart Display and Information System is a specialized digital navigation computer, and an alternative to papirdiagrammer. It stores a set of Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs) and/or Raster Charts, which can display all the necessary geographic information a crew needs to complete a voyage. However, an ECDIS isn't simply a digitized replacement for traditional charts.

ECDIS charts typically incorporate much more information than past navigation tools, and automate many essential functions. For instance, the navigator now has a much lighter burden thanks to automatic route planning and monitoring. While route correction once consumed much of a navigation officer's time, it's a thing of the past with a working ECDIS. The precision, consistency and reliability of electronic navigation represents a boon to safety, efficiency and profitability in maritime navigation.

how ECDIS works?

De ECDIS works by incorporating robust, specialized electronic navigation software with many modern navigational tools. This includes fixtures such as GPS, RADAR, ARPA and numerous others. You can use your ECDIS to access information from these sources, check Tide Tables and check virtually all relevant navigational information.

By using ENC's, the ECDIS is able to ascertain precise depth information and early-warning on any potential hazards along the naval route. A ship crew can gain even more precise information by calculating and inputting figures such as squat, which can pull a ship closer to the seabed. This information feeds into several other automated functions, providing for extremely accurate route safety judgments and automated safety warnings.

(SOURCE: AMnautical.com - All about the Electronic Chart Display and Information System)

sjøkart - bakgrunnsbilde

Liste over kilder til Elektronisk kartvisning og informasjonssystemer (ECDIS) leverandører og produsenter

list of the best marine Elektronisk kartvisning og informasjonssystemer (ECDIS), geographic information systems (GIS) used for nautical navigation that complies with International Maritime Organization (IMO) SOLAS regulations as an alternative to sjøkart av papir - marine navigation systems

Katalog over Elektronisk kartvisning og informasjonssystemer (ECDIS)


Simrad ECDIS systems

Simrad ECDIS systems are Type-Approved, competitively priced and benefit from modern and easy to learn user interfaces
ChartWorld ECDIS Electronic Chart Display & Information Systems

Chartworld eGlobe ECDIS solution

eGlobe ECDIS solution by ChartWorld is a comprehensive and affordable option, developed to deliver all nautical navigation needs
OneOcean - nautical navigation services

OneOcean Portable ECDIS

OneOcean Portable ECDIS - a portable ECDIS providing instant situational awareness of vessels at sea or in restricted waters. A portable solution giving the crew confidence of navigating on official electronic charts even away from the bridge
Wärtsilä Navi-Sailor ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System

Wärtsilä Navi-Sailor ECDIS

Wärtsilä Navi-Sailor ECDIS, the Electronic Chart Display and Information System that claims to be world’s most recognisable ECDIS for utmost safety and optimized navigation
TELKO TECDIS ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System


TELKO TECDIS was one of the first ECDIS systems approved by IMO’s standards. Since the launch in 2004 TECDIS has continually been updated and improved, and today it supports highly desirable functions
SperryMarine ecdis-e

SperryMarine ECDIS

the new SperryMarine Electronic Chart Display and Information System ECDIS-E is an easy and cost-effective retrofit solution that complies with the latest performance standards
JRC ECDIS marine navigation systems


JRC ECDIS systems - JRC is a centuries old leading global manufacturer of marine electronics, specializing in the design and manufacture of products that meet industry needs. JRC (Japan Radio Company) is founded in 1915 as a communications technology company
FURUNO ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System

Furuno ECDIS

FURUNO ECDIS by Furuno Norway, the leading supplier of marine electronics on the marine market. Furuno is known for it`s good quality and service network worldwide
Raytheon Anschütz ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System

Raytheon Anschütz ECDIS

Raytheon Anschütz ECDIS NX - an advanced Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) in a modern, state-of-the-art design. ECDIS NX was designed from scratch under continuous user participation, making ECDIS NX the world’s first user-defined ECDIS
Ship ECDIS - K-BRIDGE - Kongsberg Maritime

Kongsberg K-Bridge - ECDIS

the Kongsberg K-Bridge Electronic Chart Display and Information System - ECDIS system, is a fully compliant and easy to operate ECDIS for new builds and retrofit installations


ECDIS EC-9000 - TOKYO KEIKI has built a track record of achievements and trust through more than 20 years of research & development of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)
John Lilley & Gillie ECDIS Navmaster

John Lilley & Gillie - ECDIS

John Lilley & Gillie along with sister company PC Maritime have experience in ECDIS reaching back to its early conception. Its ECDIS equipment and software offer a simple and reliable experience

UTVALGTE produkt for marinenavigasjon og passasjepanorering 

Novaco Bridge sjøkart


NovacoBridge er en omfattende kartromsadministrasjonsløsning som hjelper offiserer: få tilgang til alle ADMIRALTY digitale produkter og papirprodukter,
få tilgang til ikke-ADMIRALTY-publikasjoner – digitalt og papir, se og administrere midlertidige og foreløpige rettelser, tilgang navigasjonsadvarslerpassasjeplanlegging og ruteautomatiseringlevende fartøy, flåte- og situasjonssporing. NovacoBridge støtter begge deler levering av diagrammer og publikasjoner fra én enkel å bruke plattform, digital eller papir.

Det gjør kartvalget enkelt og rimelig. Offiserer kan opprettholde fartøyets etterlevelse og administrere alle nødstilfeller "kom meg hjem"-kart eller publikasjoner samtidig. Den er enkel, komplett, robust og konkurransedyktig priset – tilgjengelig som en alt-i-ett-løsning eller modulær.

NovacoBridge ChartViewer - ECDIS-funksjonalitet på en datamaskin: ChartViewer emulerer full ECDIS-funksjonalitet på en kompatibel PC, bærbar PC eller nettbrett. Skipsoffiserer kan se deres lisensierte elektroniske kart på enheten, uavhengig av ECDIS. Batteridrevne enheter som bærbare datamaskiner og nettbrett kan bli en nød-ECDIS hvis strømmen på broen svikter.
Novaco Charts tilbyr oppdaterte digitale sjøkart. Få tilgang til alle katalogene over kart og marine publikasjoner utgitt av Admiralitetet, andre hydrografiske kontorer og offentlige eller private organisasjoner. Kataloger oppdateres ukentlig og hjelper til med å identifisere nye utgaver etter hvert som de dukker opp.

NovacoBridge er en komplett, integrert navigasjonsadministrasjonsløsning. Tilgjengelig som en omfattende alt-i-ett-suite av verktøy for fartøy og på land, eller som individuelle moduler
Elektroniske sjøkart av openc247

OpenC247 - digitale sjøkart

Sjøkart (digitalt og papir), kartrettelser og marine publikasjoner. Ingen abonnement. Ingen binding. Fullstendig fleksibilitet - 24/7


TOTEMPLUS ECDIS - the only ECDIS with a decision support tool (DST) for collision avoidance at sea. Advice complying with the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea
GEM ellectronica ECDIS ECD-350 and ECD-360

GEM ellectronica ECDIS

GEM ellectronica ECDIS - ECDIS ECD-350 and ECD-360 models are type approved by DNV, tested according to the latest specifications of IMO, IHO and IEC, have been adopted by the Italian Navy and other Navies worldwide and vessel companies
Voyager WW ECDIS navigation planning

Voyager WW ECDIS Navigation

Voyager WW ECDIS Navigation - ECDIS as a services, simpler, easier ECDIS navigation - a multi-touch user interface makes even the most complex work more natural to do
ECDIS digital marine passage planning

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires ships to be fitted with an ECDIS

Standard (paper) Nautical Charts and modern Digital Nautical Charts (DNCs / ENCs)

Ships have long been required to carry standard nautical charts (paper nautical charts PNCs) and nautiske publikasjoner to plan and display the ship's route for the intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage. The advent of elektroniske navigasjonskart (ENC) in the 1990s provided ships with additional information, including real time information which could be displayed on screens on Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). IMO adopted performance standards for electronic charts in the 1990s. In 2000, IMO adopted the revised SOLAS regulation V/19: carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment to allow an ECDIS to be accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of the regulation. Recognizing the advantages of ECDIS for navigation, in 2009, IMO adopted further amendments to regulation V/19, to make mandatory the carriage of ECDIS. The amendments entered into force on 1 January 2011, making ECDIS mandatory for new ships built after set dates and also phasing-in the requirement for existing ships.
(Source: International Maritime Organisation - www.imo.org)

World map - ECDIS & marine navigational charts

ECDIS use by ships became mandatory - 1 January 2011

The amended SOLAS regulation V/19 requires all newly built passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, as well as newly built cargo ships of 3.000 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages to be fitted with ECDIS. For existing ships, phase-in introduction of fitting requirements are being introduced for all ships of certain size engaged on international voyages (See SOLAS regulation V/19.2.10).

In more detail - Carriage requirements for ECDIS:

De International Maritime Organization (IMO), at the 86th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) i June 2009, approved amendments to the International Convention for the Livets sikkerhet til sjøs (SOLAS) requiring ships to be fitted with an Elektronisk kartvisning og informasjonssystem (ECDIS). The amendment to SOLAS means that all large passenger, cargo and tanker ships will have to be fitted with ECDIS on a rolling timetable - that begun in July 2012:

SOLAS - ECDIS mandatory, rolling out timetable for ships

* A new ship is defined as one in which the keel is laid on or after the cut-off date
** Ships may be exempted from these requirements if they will be taken permanently out of service within two years of the implementation date specified

IMO SOLAS - ECDIS use mandatory for naval navigation

ECDIS has been designed by IMO to enhance safety of navigation at sea, and it is the only system that may be approved, when operating on official ENCs, for paperless navigation.

What steps to take towards your ECDIS compliance?
- stage 1. identify key SOLAS compliance dates for your fleet
- stage 2. conduct an initial ECDIS risk assessment
- stage 3. plan for ECDIS training
- stage 4. ensure correct ECDIS installation
- stage 5. establish safe, efficient ECDIS operating procedures
- stage 6. ensure you’re using up-to-date ENCs
- stage 7. conduct individual ship ECDIS risk assessment
- stage 8. make the transition from paper charts to ECDIS
- stage 9. implement ECDIS onboard

(New ECDIS regulations - the full guide to meeting the revised SOLAS requirements, provided by ADMIRALTY.co.uk: Download ECDIS guide)

verdensomspennende nautiske elektroniske kart for skip ferger yachter båter marine og alle maritime fartøyer

ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display & Information Systems) external resource:

High angle view of cargo ship on the move during sunrise

ECDIS official chart requirements

ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display & Information System) & official chart requirements

SOLAS requires certain ships to meet International Maritime Organization (IMO) provisions defined in the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS,) together with its amendments.

IMO SOLAS V/19 outlines requirements for the types of charts ships are required to carry:

2.1 Alle skip uavhengig av størrelse skal ha:

2.1.4 Nautical charts and nautiske publikasjoner to plan and display the ship’s route for the intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage. An electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) is also accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of this subparagraph. Ships to which paragraph [2.10] applies shall comply with the carriage requirements for ECDIS detailed therein;

2.1.5 Reserveordninger for å oppfylle funksjonskravene i underavsnitt 2.1.4, dersom denne funksjonen er delvis eller fullstendig oppfylt med elektroniske midler*;

Fotnote til regel 2.1.4

*Paper nautical charts sufficient to meet the requirements of sub-paragraph .4 and regulation 27 may be used as a back-up arrangement for ECDIS. Other back- up arrangements for ECDIS are acceptable (see Appendix 6 to resolution MSC.232 (82), som endret.)

A majority of cargo ships, tankers, passenger ships, and mega yachts use electronic chart display and information systems (ECDISs). An amendment to SOLAS  requires these vessels to use ECDIS as a primary means of navigation. By 2018, all such vessels will be required to use ECDIS.

It is not enough for a marine vessel to simply have an ECDIS on board

It is not enough for a vessel to simply have an ECDIS on board. To be in compliance with SOLAS regulations and to pass port state inspections the ECDIS on a vessel must contain the appropriate Elektroniske navigasjonskart (ENC) for the vessel's intended voyage. There are two types of electronic nautical charts that an ECDIS can display: Rasternavigasjonskart (RNCs) og Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs - also known as vector nautical charts VNCs)

(KILDE: AMnautical.com: ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display & Information System) & official chart requirements - https://www.amnautical.com/blogs/news/17037716-ecdis-vector-charts-raster-charts )


The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is much more than a charting program — it’s an integrated navigational system designed as an approved alternative to Nautiske papirkart. The system displays either Raster Navigational Charts (RNCs - Paper Charts) eller Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs - Digital Nautical Charts) and usually is connected to the ship’s Radar / ARPA, AIS, gyro, speed log, Depth Sounder, og GPS receiver. ECDIS also displays information such as tide tables and sailing directions, weather, ice conditions, and vessel track.

ECDIS units allow the vessel to comply with IMO Regulation V/19 & V/27 of the SOLAS convention as amended, by displaying selected information from a System Electronic Navigational Chart (SENC). ECDIS equipment complying with SOLAS requirements can be used as an alternative to paper charts, but it’s not enough for a vessel to simply have an ECDIS on board. To be in compliance and to pass a Port State or Class inspection, the ECDIS must contain the appropriate electronic charts for the vessel’s intended voyage, be installed with type-approved hardware and software, must be maintained and have an approved backup, and the vessel must maintain the officers’ training record

(SOURCE: Dockwalk.com - Capt. Ted Morley)

a complete guide to what is ECDIS (a Marine Electronics & Communication magazine editorial on Summer 2011) 

ECDIS - a buyers guide (by Admiralty.co.uk) 

List of best and popular ECDIS products (electronic Chart Display and Information Systems) for Maritime Navigation

ENC & ECDIS - Standards in Force (by IHO)

SOLAS regulations V/18 and V/19, requires that in order to achieve chart carriage requirements (in terms of SOLAS), the ECDIS equipment must conform to the relevant IMO performance standards. ECDIS units on board are required to comply with one of two performance standards (either  IMO resolution A.817(19), as amended; or resolution MSC.232(82)), depending on the date of their installation.

See also Information on IHO Standards related to ENC and ECDIS for additional information on IHO standards that are relevant to ENC provision and ECDIS carriage requirements.

Explanatory VIDEO: ECDIS and Other Connected Navigational Equipment

maritime navigation systems
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