1970 年代,傳統海運國家的海員人數下降,導致供應轉移到諸如 印度, 中國, 和 菲律賓. The Philippines has developed to become a significant producer of marine experts during the last 50 years, and many consider it to be the world's nautical capital. There are currently over 10.5 million Filipinos living and working overseas, and they sent $23 billion in remittances back to the Philippines in 2013. The maritime industry plays a significant role in this: approximately 400.000 Filipino seafarers worked abroad in 2013, sending home more than $5,2 billion in remittances.
On roughly 80.000 ships, over 1,4 million seamen personnel are needed at any given moment, with Filipinos accounting for a substantial share of those employment. With ships conducting over 90% of global trade, Filipinos play a critical part in this business. "Seafaring is the Philippines' main strength," said Maximo Mejia, administrator of the 海事工業管理局 (MARINA), "now supplying about 30% of the world's seafarers, which is leagues away from the second-largest source country."
全球航運業在海員流動、教育和培訓方面擁有完善的實踐。這 國際海事組織 (IMO), based in London, oversees safety standards, with member states required to be listed on a "white list" as proof of compliance with the Standards of Training, Certification, and 值班 (STCW) 公約.
Previously, the Philippines' governance structure was vested in the 海事培訓委員會 (MTC),由勞工和就業部和秘書處主持 碼頭.高等教育委員會(CHED)、技術教育和技能發展局 (泰斯達)、專業規管委員會 (中華人民共和國)、菲律賓海外就業管理局和 菲律賓海岸警衛隊 是在那些服務於 MTC.
這 歐洲海事安全局 2006 年和 2010 年、2011 年和 2012 年再次對菲律賓進行審計,發現許多海事學校和培訓中心不符合 STCW 慣例。它將這歸因於單一當局對各個政府實體的協調缺乏問責制。它還發現,在審計和關閉不合規的學校和培訓中心時,政策、基礎設施、政治意願和問責制缺乏連貫性。
President Benigno Aquino III's government issued Executive Order No. 75 in 2012, designating the Department of Transportation and Communications, through 碼頭,作為唯一負責確保符合 1978 STCW 慣例。
然而,該指令並未凌駕於 CHED, 泰斯達, 或者 中華人民共和國.
2013 年 5 月,海事行業通過菲律賓海事黨 (Angkla) 選舉國會代表,根據一項法律允許部門代表在所有國會席位中擁有最多 20% 的席位。
Angkla 代表 Jesulito Manalo 於 2013 年 7 月宣誓就職,第 16 屆國會提出的第一項法案是共和國法案 (RA) 10635,該法案確立 碼頭 作為負責實施和執行 STCW 經修正的公約,以及與此有關的任何國際協定或公約,在七個月內。
全部 STCW 以前由中華人民共和國承擔的任務轉移到 碼頭 根據法令。
碼頭 issues a seamen's book, or certificate, to around 1,1 million active sailors in the 10-million-strong Filipino diaspora. Nearly 400.000 people are on board at any given time, with the majority coming home after a maximum of 10 months onboard for a two-month vacation. This translates to about 400.000 full-time equivalent jobs year-round, generating over $5 billion in remittances, up from $5,6 billion in 2014. As per 世界銀行 data from 2013, the Philippines' per capita income is less than $3.000 per year, whereas marine industry specialists earn more than $13.000.
該部門也存在人力資源差距,因為 建造一艘新船需要不到一年的時間 相比之下,海洋項目的一年級大學生成為碩士或總工程師需要 14 年或 15 年。
在下面 碼頭, CHED 對海事教育機構有管轄權。
MARINA has produced a list of conforming maritime schools and updated the curriculum to be outcome-based since being named the country's unified marine administration.
This will allow universities that provide marine programmes to tailor their curricula to the industry's future needs, with a focus on building much-needed skill sets in machining, electronics, and engineering.
碼頭 has also devised a grading system known as Enhanced Support Level Programs, which is intended to take into account the value added for current Filipino seafarers' training as well as compliance with STCW 認證標準。該計劃旨在改善 Filipino seafarers' competitiveness 在全球海洋行業通過培訓他們執行支持職能和職責 甲板 並且在 vessels' engine rooms.
“歐盟委員會向菲律賓通報了菲律賓海員教育、培訓和認證體系中發現的若干缺陷,包括嚴重缺陷,這些缺陷未能保證滿足 STCW 公約的要求”,歐盟駐菲律賓代表團就菲律賓的 STCW 系統發表聲明說。 (來自 https://mb.com.ph)
菲律賓海員就業市場指南 (來自 https://maritimefairtrade.org)
菲律賓海員的遣返率:對 6,759 例病例的五年研究(來自 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
14 Reasons: why ship owners prefer Filipino seafarers - One-third of the world’s seafarers are Filipinos (來自 https://safety4sea.com)